Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Senior seminar in Psychology_PD Topic Response

Senior seminar in Psychology_PD Topic Response

Q PD Topic Response #4 1. Identify at least one person who could be helpful in your search for a job or an academic program? Do not post names but professions and/ or their relationships to you. For example, my psychology professor. 2. What can you do to build a quality relationship to ensure a good recommendation letter? 3. What interviewing skills might be important to develop prior to an interview for a job or for graduate school? List one or two things you should consider or do before going on a job interview.

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There are many influential people whom I find to be important and also they are found to be effecting the motivation in the career. My sister–in-law is a influencer as well as a psychologist who may recommend me to a Graduate program or a job. Actually at this point of time I do not require a job, because I have one. Rather I will like to enter a PhD program which is important for me.